A CMOS capacitively coupled current amplifier that has narrow-band characteristic is presented. And it ′ s theory and simulation results were compared with the simple source coupled current amplifier. 提出了一种具有窄带特性的CMOS容性耦合差分放大器,并与简单的源级耦合差分放大器在理论分析与模拟结果方面进行了对比。
By receiving photoelectrical interference signal, amplifying its fundamental frequency with narrow-band amplifier, and comparing the phase of the amplified signal with that of the original modulating signal, the changes of the phase could be measured. 在光电接收后,利用狭带放大器对光电信号的基频进行放大,把放大后的基频电信号与原调制电信号进行相位比较,来探测相位变化。
It is pointed out that in order to approach the quantum limit of the photo-electric detector, the narrow-band and low noise amplifier should be connected with the detector. 指出了要使单路检测系统的光电检测信噪比接近于量子噪声极限,应采用窄带低噪声放大器与光电检测器相连接;